Monday, July 23, 2007

Visits, Illness and Preaching

We have been up in the Sacramento area all week spending time with Garett's side of the family. We took the kids to see the State Capital and Sutter's Fort. Garrett remarked at how funny it was that it seemed so incredibly long to get there when he was a kid, but it was a mere 20 minutes from his house to the State Capital. The kids did the trip like pros of course. We have been on the road now for 3 weeks. No one seems to be too tired of traveling or living out of a suitcase. Our energy is high and we are now getting some rest.
Garrett's Dad and Mom threw a wonderful going away part on Friday. What a wonderful time we had with many people we had not seen for a long time.
The kids have been swimming non- stop, so by Friday, July 20 we had 2 kids with swimmer's ear. Sophi sat with the boys at the emergency room for 3 hours on Saturday just to get the beloved antibiotics. Boy, has it be a long time since we've had those. They feel like and extra family member always nagging in the back of your mind....."did you give them their meds?"
Garrett and Sophi took off in the evening on Saturday the 21st to spend the night with his Aunt and Uncle in Atwater (just north of Merced). Garrett was invited to preach at his Uncles church on Sunday the 22nd. Marjo (Garrett's mom) and Larry (his dad) would bring the kids up the next day for church.
What a wonderful time we had with his Aunt Babara and Uncle Paul. These 2 people have been such an inspiration to us as a couple in ministry. Their spiritual connectedness to the Lord and their commitment to each other has been such a blessing to watch. Thank you for your example Paul and Barb!
I know it was a great honor for Garrett to get to preach in his Uncle's (and spiritual mentor) church! He did a fabulous job by the way. The spirit really moved through him and many people came up afterward to let him know the way God had spoken to them through his topic on the "Man born Blind" John 9. I think we even recruited a few people to come over next summer to work with us on the english camps! How super exciting that is!
We had a wonderful fellowship time after church with Garrett's Dad and Mom and Aunts and Uncle. It was neat to get to interact with family as adults and no longer kids!
We left Atwater midday to come to Merced and hang out with friends from College. It is so crazy to realize we are all getting older and our children are the ones who are entering Junior high and they are the kids. When did we go on and grow up?
Praises: We are really starting to relax and let out our breath. We feel like we have been holding our breath for about 2 months. Our minds are starting to clear from the frazel of moving and planning and raising support
Praises: We seem to have a great support base. If everyone follows through on the commitments they have made we should be in good shape! Hurray! Thank you everyone!
Prayer: Our house has not sold or rented! God seems to be paving the way for this trip in ALL areas except this one. What will he do here? We have no idea what he is up to, but we do know he wants us in Lithuania and we know he is the one in charge, so we will contiue to trust him to do it all in the right time! So mostly we need prayer to continue to trust that God knows what he is doing and not worry about it!
Prayer: For our family and the transition as each of us will face sadness and frustration at one time or another.
24th on the American River
25th and 26th San Fransisco to see relatives
27th, 28th Back to the Central Valley
29th Back to Southern California
Up till the 4th of August we will be getting all the last minute details for leaving put together
August 5th at 4pm in the Santuary is our Commissioning service. Hope you can come!
It has been an exciting ride so far.................................

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